Project Development & Management
Project Development & Management
Your staff is stretched thin. It's not uncommon for one staffer to carry a workload that two or three people did only five or ten years ago -- and to their great credit, they're managing the challenge well. But that means precious little time for thinking, for considering the business from 20,000 feet, for noticing unmet needs and new opportunities, and for developing the ambitious new projects that emerge from such a thoughtful and creative approach.
That's where IdeaHouse comes in. I approach each new project with the care and vision necessary for high quality results, and the alacrity and competence to make it happen in a timely way. I do it with a keen attentiveness to your own organization's distinctive mission, structure, and personality. The results are your house's project in every way.
My project development and management can include:
- hatching the original idea
- taking an idea and developing it into a full-blown plan
- audience and product research
- identifying, negotiating with, and commissioning the perfect author for the project
- coordinating the creative work of multiple authors
- coordinating meetings and travel (on a tight budget) for co-authors located in disparate locations
- identifying artists and commissioning art
- working directly with several gifted graphic designers to deliver covers, logos, marketing materials, and more